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Our mission:
Easy production of colloidal silver

As career changer from the field of electronic- and software-development, we discovered through a market analysis in 2015 that there was a significant need for advanced equipment for the production of colloidal silver. ​


Our mission was to develop a fully automatic and software-controlled device that is easy to use even for beginners and enables the production of colloidal silver without any special prior knowledge. Professionals should also be able to benefit from the fully automatic GoSilver devices, especially when it comes to producing larger quantities.

Flüssigkeit tröpfelt aus Pipette Laborglasgefäs
Portrait von GoSilver Gründer und Geschäftsführer Hermann Kovacs

Expertise in electronic- and softwaredevelopment

Hermann Kovács, founder and managing director of GoSilver® GmbH, is the initiator of several electronics patents and gained his extensive electronics knowledge during his time at a leading semiconductor company in Dallas, Texas, and in Silicon Valley in California. He is the developer of the GoSilver® devices, which are based on the latest technology and use modern microcontroller technology.

He has shared his expertise and experience in the field of producing colloidal silver in the form of a guest article in the book "Kolloidales Silber: So können Sie sich effektiv und nebenwirkungsfrei mit dem natürlichen Heilmittel nachhaltig von Beschwerden befreien" by Burkhardt Richter – also available in our shop.

Taschenbuch "Kolloidales Silber" von Burkhardt Richter

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